A comparison of public company audit fees

Explore and benchmark SEC audit fees using our Public Company Audit Fee dashboard, sorted by industry, revenue and geography.

M E A S U R I N G   T R E N D S
What's Your Fee-to-Value Proposition

When it comes to public companies, the fee-to-value proposition is elevated when you take the time to find the right audit partner. The right culture fit, faster response times, quality of service and cost benefits are what you should be on the lookout for when seeking a new audit partner. As a place to start, leverage benchmarking to explore how much are you paying in audit fees compared to your peers. Are you above or below the average, and is there opportunity for you to cut costs and gain efficiencies in your audit programing?

Since 2015, Armanino has reported annual audit fees from the 10-K and proxy statements of United States-based, publicly traded companies, providing a tool to compare your audit fees to peers. We have launched a dynamic dashboard version of our audit fee survey to make this process even easier. You can narrow down companies based on location, revenue and industry to get the most accurate audit fee comparison yet.

We compiled and analyzed more than 5,000 public companies’ revenues and audit fees over the past three years (2018-2020). Consistently, we find companies paying a substantial premium for the largest 10 audit firms. In 2020, companies paid 51% higher fees when working with a top 10 firm ($1.05M above the average audit fee of $2.06M).


Public Company Audit Fee Dashboard
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M E A S U R I N G  T R E N D S

Tracker Methodology
This dashboard was created by the Data & Analytics experts at Armanino to provide public companies access to audit fee information that can drive the decision making process for their business. Customized dashboards similar to this are an asset the Armanino team can develop for your organization. Contact our Data & Analytics team to explore.

Aggregated Audit Fee Data
Armanino has partnered with Audit Analytics to collect, cleanse, and label audit fee data for 5,000+ public companies across the US.
Intuitive Audit Fee Dashboard 
Utilize an interactive dashboard to view the results. No need to scroll through hundreds of companies and pages.
Customized Benchmarking
Focus on the segments that matter to you. Narrow down organizations based on industry, geography, and revenue to get the most accurate comparisons of audit fees yet.
Trend Analysis
Visualize how audit fees trend year over year for the various revenue brackets, industries, geographies, and auditor size.
Top 10 Firms vs. The Rest
Measure the premium of audit fees for the 10 largest external auditors compared to the average.
Drill into the Details
Use the “Show Details” view to see data on specific companies.

V I S U A L I Z A T I O N  T O O L S

Telling a Story With Data

Numbers are powerful, but only when your entire leadership team can quickly understand the information and use it to drive impact for each business unit. We’ll create self-service visualization tools that allow you to see the data in a new light through charts and graphs that tell a story of challenges and opportunities. With interactive dashboards, your experts will have the power to instantly pull up and act on the data they are seeing in real time.


S E C  E X P E R T I S E

Serving Public Companies

If you’re a public company, we know you require a trusted team of advisors. A team that is willing to dig in, work hard and ensure your operations remain efficient, effective and profitable for your investors.

Real-Time Collection
100+ Public Company Clients

Bringing the experience of 100+ publicly traded companies served.
20+ Years of SEC & SOX Audits

Expanded value to SEC registrants, through 20 years of SEC experience.
Lowest PCAOB Deficiencies

Lowest 10-year deficiency average among today’s top accounting firms, as reported by the PCAOB.

S E R V I C E  H I G H L I G H T S

Public Company Offerings

There are many ways you can leverage a trusted advisor, here are a few highlights.

Public Company Experts
Matthew Perreault

Todd Bishop

Matthew Chavez

N E E D  TO  T A L K ?
We're Here For You
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Armanino fields a powerful team of tax professionals who formerly served as key members of Big 4 tax practices in Silicon Valley, including domestic, international and state/local tax partners. Our audit team leverages their expertise in provisions (including FIN 48) and international taxes to ensure a quick and thorough review of your tax accounts.
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